On the next screen you can see whether the register is over or short and how much cash was counted. If all looks correct, select SAVE COUNTS and PRINT RECEIPT
If the register is out by a significant amount, select REDO COUNTS (If the register is still out and you can’t figure it out, don't be afraid to ask a supervisor)
Write on the daily cash out sheet if the register was OVER/SHORT
Fill out ESTIMATED CASH on the daily cash out sheet.
There are 2 ways to find out how much cash was received:
when you are filling out the closing counts it is in the 3rd column under 'Payments'
on the ‘End Of Day Report’ under 'Cash'
Calculate the DEPOSITED CASH amount (If you are OVER you ADD to estimated cash, if you are SHORT you SUBTRACT)
Take out cash to be banked based on your DEPOSITED CASH amount, and put in the bank deposit bag
Filling in Daily Cash Out Sheet
Fill out the full DATE, NAMES & LOCATION
In Lightspeed select REPORTS then under ‘Roll-Up Reports’ select END OF DAY
Make sure you are on the correct date then print out report
Staple all of the days reports to the top left corner of the daily cash out sheet, including your opening count